1 litre treats 8,000 gallons once. Treats: White Spot, Trichodina, Costia, Chilodonella.
When to use:
When fish show symptoms of parasitic or fungal infection.
Do not use with Orfe, Rudd, Tench or Sterlet/Sturgeon.
Switch off UV until all the colour has gone from the water.
Test your water quality first using Pondlab test kits.
Aerate your pond well during medication.
Wait 10 days after the final dose before treating with a different medication.
If you feel that a repeat dose is necessary, check your diagnosis carefully, a different medication may be more suitable.
Always treat when you have time to observe fish and take appropriate action if they react badly.
Use at water temperatures below 10°C or above 30°C.
Use in hot, humid weather.
Mix medications.
To calculate pond volume -
length (ft) x width (ft) x Depth (ft) x 6.25 = pond volume in gallons.